During your airsoft games the marbles are a Essential element. Indeed, without them, you simply cannot play. There are different materials, weight and color. Usually they are made up of plastic, with a 6mm diameter size for a weight going from 0.12 to 0.40 g. During certain games of airsoft, the [...]

The field of industrial construction involves many trades in direct contact with machines and production tools, the handling of which involves risks. These professions are moreover perfectly regulated, especially in terms of PPE (personal protective equipment for the head, hands, eyes, knees, [...]

L’General Inspectorate of the National Gendarmerie was born following the decree of December 30, 2009 in order to align the missions of the Inspectorate of the National Gendarmerie (IGN) with those of the General Inspectorate of Administration (IGA) and theGeneral Inspectorate of the National [...]