Organic farming: What specificities for organic farming and breeding?

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L’organic farming is a mode of production and transformation atcontrolled appellation and framed over there European regulations since 1991. It is a method which sets itself the objectives of respect the environment, from biodiversity and you animal wellbeing. It is an important part of the sustainable development within the production and some French consumption. It relates to multiple agricultural sectors and is governed by strict requirements. In this article, let’s discover its main aspects.

Origins and principles

Organic farming has its origins in the impetus ofagronomists, from doctors, d’farmers and of consumers. It’s in the years 1920 that they initiate a alternative mode of agricultural production, this to favor the ground work, l’autonomy and the respect the environment. In 1981, organic farming is officially recognized by the French public authorities. To support the organization and development of this mode of production, a National commission is created. One community regulation European takes up the principles enacted in France and applies them to vegetable productions in 1991 then to productions animales from all over Europe in 2000.

The main thrust of organic farming is the use of transformation processes aimed at maintaining nutritional qualities at all stages of manufacture. Thus, the organic products do not include ni colorants, no synthetic chemical flavors, no flavor enhancers. The permitted additives are heavily restricted (47 in number against 300 in conventional agriculture). Most of them are, moreover, of agricultural or natural origin. They are only authorized organically when their use is essential for the preparation or for the preservation of certain processed foods. Likewise, theenrichment in vitamins, minerals, antioxidants or others is forbidden (apart from special cases required by law, such as baby food). Finally, the ionizing treatments are equally forbidden as well asuse of pesticides.

Besides the food processing plus healthy, organic farming also ensures the respect for animal welfare. One European regulation frame theanimal breeding to make sure respectful practices about the animal life :

  • They thus have access to outdoor courses and exercise areas.
  • The density buildings is also limited for to avoid that animals do not end up in too narrow spaces.
  • The locations have to be well ventilated, enlightened and a surface minimum sufficient also including a floor paillé to offer comfort and space to the animal.
  • The animals are fed with a natural food and their health is mainly based on the prevention (breeding methods and conditions focused on well-being and the stimulation of natural defenses without antibiotics).
  • The pain is reduced to its minimum for the whole animal lifespan and the violence of slaughter is, as far as possible, limited.
  • the personnel taking care of the breeding has the knowledge and the essential skills in terms of health and of well-being from animals.

This ethics is also supervised annually by certification bodies and supervisory authorities whose role is to verify the good respect death conditions.

The many advantages

As stated above, organic farming allowsto avoid l’usage from synthetic products, d’additives or from pesticides for a better respect for the environment and animals. Agricultural practices are centered around the prevention for protect crops from ravages, from diseases or some weeds. Organic farming thus favors varieties of finely selected seeds for their disease resistance. It also employs specific cultivation techniques and specially adapted or even mechanical techniques for to struggle against against the weeds (tillage, thermal weeding, etc.). To fight against pests, the organic alternatives are recommended. In last resort, at the time of proven threat, a product of phytopharmaceutical treatment can be used for the care. However, these products remainnatural origin.

These cultural approaches promote a healthy soil and fertile. Indeed, the soil nutrition based ongreen manure and of organic products make them more riches and favorable to the development of ecosystems. The living soil organisms (earthworms, fungi, non-harmful insects, hedgehogs and other small animals) benefit from a activity and a more intense biodiversity. The soil life is also prolonged with such factors, which increases its exploitation potential. The soils thereby are richer, structurally stable and fit to the water retention. This last point warns from drought the crops concerned. The waters serving farms are equally healthier. Organic farming also has a impact positive on the weather. Its practices have much less serious consequences on the global warming that conventional crops. They ensure less from polluting discharges or from CO2 (which mainly return to the ground). The greenhouse gas emissions are limited thanks to theabsence use of synthetic chemicals.

In terms of professions, l’organic farming promotes the Job creation. The sector offers a wide selection from careers. Breeders, horticulturists, market gardeners, winegrowers and manyother producers may be involved in the label organic. Most of them will have in common adapted work clothes, from combination to boots, of course through the protective gloves.

Quality food with a controlled label

The organic production methods generate sanitary quality products and superior nutritional to classic farms. The fruits and vegetables ensure a better content in polyphenols. The dairy products are richer in Omega 3. The meats are stronger in polyunsaturated fatty acids. From undeniable assets for a food both more healthy and tasty.

This guarantee of quality follows a Specifications demanding and governed byEuropean Union. D’other specifications (national and private) also exist but do not have theauthority from EC regulation n ° 834/2007. This European regulations ensure the transparency from production methods close to consumers and indicated the principles from production, d’breeding, from preperation, from distribution, d’importation, as well as products List, additives and auxiliaries used (for fertilization, treatments or processing).

The producers of organic farming must all comply with checks by approved certification bodies by the authorities, in order to have corresponding certificates. The checks are annual (thorough and unannounced) and ensure compliance with the specifications on thewhole production system. In addition to these compulsory annual checks, targeted checks and operated by the state services can also take place.

At the end of these steps, the products from agriculture can display a logo to wave a quality responding to conditions from label organic. Labeling of european logo (Eurofeuille) shows a application of the regulations on theorganic farming of the’European Union. Since July 1, 2010, the logo is required for’food of European origin following his production conditions. the logo is systematically accompanied from informations on the place of production and on the reference of the certifying body. In extra charge from european logo, l’optional AB emblem can be used. This concerns productions not falling under European regulation, but of a French specifications.

At a time when the consumer and the producers are looking for a more ethical and ecological lifestyle, l’organic farming allows to multiple sectors middle Agriculture to provide healthier products and responsible. Followed and controlled, l’organic farming is a safe bet from day-to-day from many professionals and European citizens.