Municipal policeman, the job

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At a time when a parliamentary report proposes to make the arming of municipal police officers compulsory, we offer you a focus on the profession of municipal policeman. What are the different missions of municipal police officers? Which security equipment are essential on a daily basis? What exactly does this parliamentary report recommend on potentially compulsory weaponry?

What are the jobs of the municipal police?

the municipal policeman is a territorial official. Just like the National Police, the municipal police are above all responsible for ensuring respect for public order, preventing, monitoring and securing. On the other hand, as its name suggests, the local police is placed under the authority of the mayor.

Municipal police guard, public highway surveillance agent (ASVP), rural guard, security inspector (Paris), motorcyclist, video surveillance operator, are all different professions at the heart of the same service and the same vocation.

Today, the functions of the municipal policeman range from surveillance to mediation, including identification, crime prevention but also intervention, security and now traffic. Indeed, a municipal policeman is able to draw up a report if it finds a traffic violation (parking but also speed control, etc.). Also subject to a code of ethics, the municipal police officer is ultimately responsible for many missions in common with a national police officer. Their main difference? The first cannot initiate legal proceedings, in the event of flagrante delicto noted. He must then call the national police.

Terrorism, municipal police officers must also protect themselves …

On the front line in the face of the scourge of terrorism, municipal police obviously receive training to best deal with this threat. However, the bulletproof vest represents considerable security protection in the event of an attack and since the 2015 terrorist attacks, municipal police tend to be armed: in 2016, 44% of municipal officials held a firearm against only 37% in 2014. A trend that has continued to accelerate since at the end of 2017, 4,000 revolvers were at hand. available to the municipalities. Today, a parliamentary report signed by two deputies including a former boss of the RAID, Jean-Michel Fauvergue, recommends the compulsory and permanent arming of municipal police officers with semi-automatic pistols. For its part, the union for the defense ofs municipal police officers has been campaigning for a long time for “the generalized armament on the territory and without distinction.”

Source : France TV Info