How to maintain your survival knife?

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In one hostile environment or for a simple wild camping, several tools will be mandatory. Among them, your survival knife will be your best friend. It will be essential for build your survival camp, you to feed, or for all other uses. It is then very important to take care of it so that it does not deteriorate and you do not lose it.


Nothing complex for the transport of your survival knife. For more practicality and that it is always handy, we recommend that you get a case suitable for your knife that will attach to your belt. With this kind of case, there is no risk of losing your survival knife and you don’t have to dig deep in your bag to find it.

Cleaning and maintenance

In order to guarantee a maximum service life, it is also important to to clean and know how themaintain. This step is very important before moving on to sharpening, as you absolutely must not sharpen a dirty knife. Deposits encrusted on the blade could causedamage with friction.

Cleaning is quick and easy. It consists of only soak the blade inlukewarm water and rub the blade with a cloth and washing up liquid. We recommend dipping only the blade, because in the case of a folding or retractable knife, it can be risky to wet the mechanism. You can then rinse it inlukewarm, clean water.

Despite processed materials against corrosion, rust is not impossible so it is important to dry the blade with a dry cloth after cleaning. Avoid as much as possible chemical products which can accelerate the corrosion of the knife. You can also usecoconut oil which will create a light protective film on the blade.

To continue in the maintenance, if you have a folding or retractable knife, it is important to oil the closing mechanism and the sheath in which the blade is stored in order to guarantee a simple and durable opening. To do this, applycoconut oil on these two areas with a clean cloth and activate the mechanism several times to make it penetrate.


Sharpening is the most important part more complex the maintenance of his survival knife. It must be carried out when the edge of the blade is damaged. We recommend a sharpening stone or a diamond sharpener for this, because it adapts to all situations. She is very easy to carry thanks to its small size and it is very effective.

In order to achieve optimal sharpening, some rules are to follow:

  • Position the blade flat on the stone

  • Respect theangle de la lame

  • Pull the knife towards you up to the tip

  • Do not force the blade, stay flexible

  • Repeat several times the movement

  • Perform the same operation on the second side

All these steps must be carried out regularly in order to keep your precious knife as long as possible. This requires a minimum of time and props. You can get them on