Tag: Defense

Aún no hace quince días escribía en ese mismo blog que cuidarse vale la pena. Y añadía que realizar actividad física de forma regular tiene un retorno enorme, que es «el equilibrio con uno mismo». Hoy recupero esta idea para hablar, precisamente, de este estar bien con uno [...]

Barcelona City Council wants to open a 'shelter for homeless people with addictions' – this is the name used in the official documentation – which will be opposite the Mas Casanovas school and a few meters from DiR Castillejos. This has been communicated to the residents of Baix Guinardó the [...]

Description the stick defense telescopic Where baton telescopic is a weapon mainly used by police services in a large number of countries. It's a non-lethal weapon, designed so that the target is not killed or seriously injured. It is usually made of metal and composed in three segments, the two [...]

Known as the favorite piece lovers of the bivouac, the Fastboil comes in a new form in 2020. Highlander abandon his model MK II to make it evolve in order to create a model more adapted and more efficient for your outings in the great outdoors. The brand wants its iconic outdoor kitchen model to [...]