Barcelona City Council wants to open a 'shelter for homeless people with addictions' – this is the name used in the official documentation – which will be opposite the Mas Casanovas school and a few meters from DiR Castillejos. This has been communicated to the residents of Baix Guinardó the [...]

The achievement of goals is important. But the real juice of life, whether it be sweet or bitter, is to be found not nearly so much in the products of our efforts as in the process of living itself, in how it feels to be alive. ~George Leonard Recently an Aikidoist who trains at [...]

I recently began learning/practicing Aikido, after being exposed to it a few years ago and really liking the philosophy behind it. One of the first things the sensei (teacher) said to me when I signed up for class was that it's rare for someone of my age (over 50) to begin learning Aikido, and in [...]

Martial arts have existed since a very long time and are the most successful form of self defense that have ever existed. Nowadays, more are more people are starting to learn martial arts for various reasons-some want to learn a martial art for street defense and some learn a martial art to be [...]