Video surveillance and remote surveillance

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Insecurity has become more and more present in recent years, which is why means such as video surveillance and the remote monitoring have been developed to guarantee the safety of goods and people.

These two terms might sound very similar, which is why we’re going to tell you more about them in an effort to choose the right gear for you.


The video surveillance consists of filming a public or private space. These recordings can be made permanently or according to schedules defined according to your needs.

This system allows view the images in local or to distance. These pictures are also registered in order to allow you to identify a suspicious person or to view a license plate even after some time. Recording is required when cameras are used without human supervision.

Consultation of these captured images is also restricted to duly authorized persons. The company must define a maximum retention period for images from its cameras.

Remote monitoring

The remote monitoring aims to detect abnormal movements as well as many incidents, all remotely controlled by specialized agencies. When an anomaly is declared, a series of photos is recorded and an alert signal is sent to the central monitoring station. After analyzing the photos, the agency will contact the police if necessary.

The advantage of this system is that it does not require continuous monitoring from you since everything is automated and control by the agency in charge of your remote monitoring.

Company security

An employer cannot install cameras on its premises without defining a precise objective, which must be legal and legitimate. Cameras can be installed in the workplace for the purpose of security goods and people. They can have a dissuasive role or make it possible to identify the perpetrators of theft, damage or assault.

Video surveillance must be limited to the entrances and exits of buildings, emergency exits, traffic lanes, or even areas in which merchandise or valuable goods are stored. In the case of jewelry stores or banks, cameras are necessary in order to protect against vandalism and burglaries which usually take place at night or on weekends, when staff are not on site.

In order to meet all the obligations, the employer must have the agreement of the Prefect and the Video Protection Commission before installing his cameras. In addition, they must indicate their presence to employees and visitors using a display.

In the workplace as elsewhere, employees have right to respect for their private lives, in these terms, the cameras should not film the areas of pause nor the bathroom.

Employees who consider themselves victims of abusive surveillance have the option of turning to the CNIL or the labor inspection services to lodge a complaint and request a check.

Two complementary systems

Good that the goal from of them mechanisms that is the same, their techniques and their services are visibly different.

Each of them own from advantages and from disadvantages Who can to be attic in the using ensemble.

It may be advantageous to pair the two. In fact, you can monitor your interior 24 hours a day thanks to video surveillance. In times when you are not available, remote monitoring can then take over through the agency which will be able to notify the police in the event of an intrusion.