Tag: Learn

Something new in ours again Martial arts school for self defense. The Ninjutsu Academy in Altona / Bahrenfeld offers free of charge for all students of the Akademie Feldenkrais. On April 26th, 2018 we had a free seminar started. All interested parties could get a simple and non-binding [...]

Self defense does classes are a dime a dozen today. You can find them in person all over the city that you live in. However, what if you're busy? What if you cannot get to a class on a regular basis? Those two questions are something that stops many people from going forward with learning martial [...]

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xmfq9cqz8g0 There's a lot of different martial arts that you can train within. In the past, the most common practices were kung fu, karate, tae kwon do, and similar options. With the rise of MMA fighters, and the popularity of events that come within the [...]