Tag: karaté

As a karate practitioner for some time now, I have often had stressed to relax, when doing your techniques you are far too tense. The maxim of all actions should be to naturally relax without tensing up your body. The echoes of those basic commands can be heard in karate dojo around the land. [...]

Yes, it is true, the martial art of Karate was, indeed, created by a young woman. A couple of hundred years ago a young lass, name of Fung Qiniang, lived in Fujian province in China. She was a bright girl, and learned Southern Shaolin Kung Fu from her father. What style of souther Shaolin papa [...]

The Martial arts have always been shrouded in mystique. This can often lead to students leaving the martial arts in search of the truth or disillusioned. Very occasionally someone emerges for instance, an instructor, who is willing to unravel the shroud of secrecy to the inquisitive student and [...]

De nombreux artistes martiaux sont résistants au changement et croient que si un changement doit se produire, il devrait se produire lentement par des moyens conventionnels. Ils croient que les choses sont faites d'une certaine manière parce que des années d'essais et d'erreurs ont prouvé que [...]